Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Workshop Trans and crosscultural competence

winter term 2014-15

In all situations of daily life communication among humans is influenced by the individual and cultural upbringing. Although we sometimes may have similar expectations, the ways we communicate with and how we see others often is very different. We have organized a trainer who by the help of playful settings, will demonstrate means how international and German phd-students can identify, analyse and deal with trans and crosscultural situations. The workshop is specifically targeted at phds at home and abroad. Registration fee is 15 Euro. Snacks during the day are being provided.

StartSaturday, November 29, 2014, 09:30 am
LocationBurse zur Tuple, Musikzimmer, Uniplatz, Halle.
Target group
Seminar for:
PhD students & Postdocs, Everyone
Meeting pointBurse zur Tuple, Musikzimmer, Uniplatz, Halle.
Registration beginsMonday, September 29, 2014, 12:00 pm
Registration endsSaturday, November 22, 2014, 09:30 am
Places available4
Cancelation untilMonday, November 24, 2014
15.00 €15 EURO
Payment untilSaturday, November 22, 2014, 09:30 am
Payment methodBank transfer
Payment account nameMLU Halle-Wittenberg
Payment account number (IBAN)DE05 8100 0000 0080 0015 24
Payment bank code (BIC)MARKDEF1810
Payment bank nameDeutsche Bank
Payment useR02021226, Eigenb. Seminar Nov14, [Name of the participant]

Trainerin: Anja Schuetze
anja_s.jpg (64.44 KiB) from Sept. 29, 2014

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